Does your DPF need cleaning?
Your car’s diesel particulate filter (DPF) reduces emissions by capturing and storing soot from the exhaust. If this system is blocked, the DPF warning and engine management lights may appear on your dashboard, providing a clear indication that your DPF needs repairing or replacing. You may experience reduced performance, increased fuel consumption, and regeneration issues, so it’s best to visit us for a repair straight away.
A typical DPF will reach its capacity limit after 100k to 150k miles. At this point, vehicle manufacturers recommend replacing the part. At Traffic Motor Company, we have over 20 years of experience when it comes to DPF cleaning. We use a state-of-the-art DPF cleaning machine to get your car back on the road as soon as possible. Our skilled technicians will diagnose any faults and clean and replace your vehicle’s DPF. Contact us today to make a booking.

Your car is designed to automatically neutralise soot by burning it off at high temperatures while the vehicle is running. Under normal driving conditions, regeneration helps to extend the service life of your car’s DPF. However, if you constantly drive in city areas with frequent traffic and low speed limits, excess soot won’t be burnt off. This will eventually clog your DPF and could lead to engine damage. If you frequently drive in cities and have noticed a dip in your vehicle’s performance, get in touch with our team today.
Over 20 years’ experience
We’ve been repairing and replacing DPFs since 2000.
Knowledgeable technicians
Our technicians have the skills to diagnose any faults with your vehicle’s DPF.
Reliable garage services
We’re a friendly garage that offers reliable repairs for affordable prices.